# From c.l.r SNIP IT: bond TkCanvas with RubyGraphLibrary
# author: Phlip (see also
# https://www.rubygarden.org/ruby?RubyAlgorithmPackage/TkCanvasSample)
# put a GraphViz graph into a TkCanvas, and make nodes
# selectable. Illustrates a bug in GraphViz

require 'rgl/graphxml'
require 'rgl/adjacency'
require 'rgl/dot'
require 'tk'

include RGL
filename = ARGV[0]
puts 'Displaying ' + filename

# ruby canvas.rb north/g.10.8.graphml &
# ruby canvas.rb north/g.12.8.graphml &
# ruby canvas.rb north/g.14.9.graphml &

File.open(filename) { |file|
  graph = DirectedAdjacencyGraph.from_graphxml(file)
  graph.write_to_graphic_file('gif', filename)
  graph.write_to_graphic_file('plain', filename)
  root = TkRoot.new { title "Ex1" }

  canvas = TkCanvas.new(root) {
    width 400
    height 600
  ovals = []

  TkcImage.new(canvas, 0, 0) {
    anchor 'nw'

    image TkPhotoImage.new() {
      file filename + '.gif'

  #  read the 'plain' file, and for each node put an invisible
  #  oval over its image

  File.open(filename + '.plain') { |f|
    graphLine   = f.readline()
    graphStats  = graphLine.split()
    graphHeight = graphStats[3].to_f()
    nodeLine    = f.readline()
    fields      = nodeLine.split()

    while fields[0] == 'node'
      namer = fields[1]

      #  the following crud is because GraphViz has no system to
      #  emit a "plain" format in pixels that exactly match the
      #  locations of objects in dot's raster output

      #  furtherless, the current GraphViz seems to be centering
      #  the raster output but not the 'plain' output. Hence on
      #  g.10.8.graphml the X fudge factor must be 45. >sigh<

      #  YMMV, based on your system's opinion of the size of an inch

      exx  = fields[2].to_f * 96 - 20 # 45
      why  = (graphHeight - fields[3].to_f) * 96 - 20
      widt = fields[4].to_f() * 90
      hite = fields[5].to_f() * 90

      ov = TkcOval.new(canvas, exx, why, exx + widt, why + hite) {
        state 'hidden'
        width 4
        outline 'green'
        tags namer
      nodeLine = f.readline()
      fields   = nodeLine.split()
  lastOval = ovals[0]

  #  at click time, search for an oval in range and display it

  canvas.bind('Button-1') do |event|
    x, y = canvas.canvasx(event.x), canvas.canvasy(event.y)

    ovals.each { |r|
      x1, y1, x2, y2 = r.coords()

      if x >= x1 and x <= x2 and y >= y1 and y <= y2
        lastOval.configure('state' => 'hidden')
        lastOval = r
        lastOval.configure('state' => 'normal')
