element AirBrakeType
diagram taf_cat_complete_sector_p729.png
namespace http://taf-jsg.info/schemes
type restriction of xs:token
content simple
used by
elements AirBrake WagonTechData
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration 0
enumeration 1
enumeration 2
enumeration 3
enumeration 8
enumeration 9
Classification of air brake.
additional code:
8 No air brake or brake pipe The code is defined in UIC Leaflet 920-13.
source <xs:element name="AirBrakeType">
<xs:documentation>Classification of air brake.
additional code:
8 No air brake or brake pipe The code is defined in UIC Leaflet 920-13.
<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
<xs:enumeration value="0"/>
<xs:enumeration value="1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="3"/>
<xs:enumeration value="8"/>
<xs:enumeration value="9"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy