element CommercialServiceCode
diagram taf_cat_complete_sector_p56.png
namespace http://taf-jsg.info/schemes
type restriction of xs:string
content simple
used by
element CommercialService
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration 01 electronic seat reservation mandatory
enumeration 02 electronic seat reservation possible
enumeration 03 silence comsectionment
enumeration 04 silence comsectionment
enumeration 05 comsectionment for families
enumeration 06 comsectionement for women
enumeration 07 nursery in use
enumeration 08 bike accepted for free
enumeration 09 bike accepted against paiement
enumeration 10 comsectionment for train staff
enumeration 11 comsectionment
enumeration 12 passport comsectionement
enumeration 13 comsectionement for PRM
enumeration 14 journey where seats are in sleeping position
enumeration 15 empty and not in service coach
enumeration 16 coach with seats not in standard use
enumeration 17 cars loaded against direction of travel
enumeration 18 cars loaded in direction of travel
enumeration 19 rail courier / rail postal service
enumeration 20 reduced number of seats for reservation
enumeration 21 dining car or bar in service
enumeration 22 mobile dining service
Code of the additional service offered in a train
source <xs:element name="CommercialServiceCode">
<xs:documentation>Code of the additional service offered in a train</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="01 electronic seat reservation mandatory"/>
<xs:enumeration value="02 electronic seat reservation possible"/>
<xs:enumeration value="03  silence comsectionment"/>
<xs:enumeration value="04  silence comsectionment"/>
<xs:enumeration value="05 comsectionment for families"/>
<xs:enumeration value="06  comsectionement for women"/>
<xs:enumeration value="07  nursery in use"/>
<xs:enumeration value="08  bike accepted for free"/>
<xs:enumeration value="09 bike accepted against paiement"/>
<xs:enumeration value="10  comsectionment for train staff"/>
<xs:enumeration value="11 comsectionment "/>
<xs:enumeration value="12 passport comsectionement"/>
<xs:enumeration value="13  comsectionement for PRM"/>
<xs:enumeration value="14  journey where seats are in sleeping position"/>
<xs:enumeration value="15  empty and not in service coach"/>
<xs:enumeration value="16  coach with seats not in standard use"/>
<xs:enumeration value="17  cars loaded against direction of travel"/>
<xs:enumeration value="18  cars loaded in direction of travel"/>
<xs:enumeration value="19  rail courier / rail postal service"/>
<xs:enumeration value="20 reduced number of seats for reservation"/>
<xs:enumeration value="21  dining car or bar in service"/>
<xs:enumeration value="22 mobile dining service "/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy