element CoordinatingIM
diagram taf_cat_complete_sector_p110.png
namespace http://taf-jsg.info/schemes
type CompanyCode
content simple
used by
elements PathCanceledMessage PathConfirmedMessage PathCoordinationMessage PathDetailsMessage PathDetailsRefusedMessage PathNotAvailableMessage PathRequestMessage PathSectionNotificationMessage
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 0001
maxInclusive 9999
The coordinating (leading) IM coordinates the agreement process for the IM’s. It is the primary point of contact for the RU’s. Certain critical stages in the international timetabling process are initiated by the leading IM, such as transfer the path request to path elaboration to involved IMs in order to prepare the offer with the partner-IMs.
source <xs:element name="CoordinatingIM" type="CompanyCode">
<xs:documentation>The coordinating (leading) IM coordinates the agreement process for the IM’s. It is the primary point of contact for the RU’s. Certain critical stages in the international timetabling process are initiated by the leading IM, such as transfer the path request to path elaboration to involved IMs in order to prepare the offer with the partner-IMs. </xs:documentation>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy