element InfoOnGoodsShapeTypeDanger
diagram taf_cat_complete_sector_p745.png
namespace http://taf-jsg.info/schemes
type restriction of xs:token
content simple
used by
element WagonOperationalData
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration 01
enumeration 02
enumeration 03
enumeration 06
enumeration 98
enumeration 99
enumeration 10
enumeration 14
enumeration 15
enumeration 16
enumeration 21
enumeration 22
enumeration 23
enumeration 30
enumeration 41
enumeration 42
enumeration 43
enumeration 51
enumeration 52
enumeration 61
enumeration 62
enumeration 71
enumeration 72
enumeration 73
enumeration 74
enumeration 75
enumeration 80
enumeration 90
enumeration 96
enumeration 97
Additional codified information on the load.  Coding Structures as defined in 404-2  chapter 4.1
Codes to add are given in the table below:
96 Environmentally hazardous substance (RID
97 More than 8 tons of dangerous goods packaged in limited quantities (LQ)

The following documentation serves for the existing codes:
1 Container
2 Other intermodal traffic
3 Rolling road (RR)
6 Semi-Trailer on bogies
10 1 - danger of explosion (subclass 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
14 1.4 - danger of explosion (subclass 1.4)
15 1.5 - danger of explosion (subclass 1.5)
16 1.6 - danger of explosion (subclass 1.6)
21 2.1 - inflammable gases
22 2.2 - non inflammable,non-toxic gases
23 2.3 - toxic gases
30 3 - fire hazard (inflammable liquids)
41 4.1 - fire hazard (inflammable solids)
42 4.2 - spontaneoulsy inflammable
43 4.3 - gives off inflammable gas on contact with water
51 5.1 - combustible substance
52 5.2 - organic peroxide
61 6.1 - toxic substance
62 6.2 - infectious substance
71 7A - radioactive substance in category I packing WHITE
72 7B - radioactive substance in category II packing YELLOW
73 7C - radioactive substance in category III packing YELLOW
74 7D - Common label for radioactive substances included under 7A, 7B + 7C
75 7E - fissible substance
80 8 - corrosive substance
90 Various  dangerouse substance and objects not covered by the other classes
98 Livestock
99 Perishables

source <xs:element name="InfoOnGoodsShapeTypeDanger">
<xs:documentation>Additional codified information on the load.  Coding Structures as defined in 404-2  chapter 4.1
Codes to add are given in the table below:
96 Environmentally hazardous substance (RID
97 More than 8 tons of dangerous goods packaged in limited quantities (LQ)

The following documentation serves for the existing codes:
1 Container
2 Other intermodal traffic
3 Rolling road (RR)
6 Semi-Trailer on bogies
10 1 - danger of explosion (subclass 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
14 1.4 - danger of explosion (subclass 1.4)
15 1.5 - danger of explosion (subclass 1.5)
16 1.6 - danger of explosion (subclass 1.6)
21 2.1 - inflammable gases
22 2.2 - non inflammable,non-toxic gases
23 2.3 - toxic gases
30 3 - fire hazard (inflammable liquids)
41 4.1 - fire hazard (inflammable solids)
42 4.2 - spontaneoulsy inflammable
43 4.3 - gives off inflammable gas on contact with water
51 5.1 - combustible substance
52 5.2 - organic peroxide
61 6.1 - toxic substance
62 6.2 - infectious substance
71 7A - radioactive substance in category I packing WHITE
72 7B - radioactive substance in category II packing YELLOW
73 7C - radioactive substance in category III packing YELLOW
74 7D - Common label for radioactive substances included under 7A, 7B + 7C
75 7E - fissible substance
80 8 - corrosive substance
90 Various  dangerouse substance and objects not covered by the other classes
98 Livestock
99 Perishables

<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
<xs:enumeration value="01"/>
<xs:enumeration value="02"/>
<xs:enumeration value="03"/>
<xs:enumeration value="06"/>
<xs:enumeration value="98"/>
<xs:enumeration value="99"/>
<xs:enumeration value="10"/>
<xs:enumeration value="14"/>
<xs:enumeration value="15"/>
<xs:enumeration value="16"/>
<xs:enumeration value="21"/>
<xs:enumeration value="22"/>
<xs:enumeration value="23"/>
<xs:enumeration value="30"/>
<xs:enumeration value="41"/>
<xs:enumeration value="42"/>
<xs:enumeration value="43"/>
<xs:enumeration value="51"/>
<xs:enumeration value="52"/>
<xs:enumeration value="61"/>
<xs:enumeration value="62"/>
<xs:enumeration value="71"/>
<xs:enumeration value="72"/>
<xs:enumeration value="73"/>
<xs:enumeration value="74"/>
<xs:enumeration value="75"/>
<xs:enumeration value="80"/>
<xs:enumeration value="90"/>
<xs:enumeration value="96"/>
<xs:enumeration value="97"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy