element InformationToBeDisplayed
diagram taf_cat_complete_sector_p218.png
namespace http://taf-jsg.info/schemes
type restriction of xs:string
content simple
used by
element TrainCompositionPassenger/VehicleList
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration 01 First-class seats vehicle
enumeration 02 First-class couchettes vehicle
enumeration 03 First-class sleepers vehicle
enumeration 04 Second-class seats vehicle
enumeration 05 Second-class couchettes vehicle
enumeration 06 Second-class sleepers vehicle
enumeration 07 Second-class reclining seats vehicle
enumeration 08 Panorama vehicle
enumeration 09 Dining vehicle
enumeration 10 Bar/Bistro vehicle
enumeration 11 Mobile dining service
enumeration 12 Cars loaded
enumeration 13 Cars loaded against direction of travel
enumeration 14 Cars loaded in direction of travel
enumeration 15 Non-smoking vehicle
enumeration 16 Vehicle with smoking compartments
enumeration 17 Vehicle with PRM access
enumeration 18 Silence vehicle
enumeration 19 Vehicle with child/family facilities
enumeration 20 Vehicle with compartments reserved for women
enumeration 21 Bike accepted
enumeration 22 Bike accepted for free
enumeration 23 Bike accepted against paiement
enumeration 24 Special vehicle
enumeration 25 Telephone
enumeration 26 Wifi
enumeration 27 Service vehicle
enumeration 28 Train staff available in this vehicle
enumeration 29 Not in service vehicle
enumeration 30 With supplement
enumeration 31 Reservation compulsory
Information for passengers displayed in the stations or in public timetables
source <xs:element name="InformationToBeDisplayed">
<xs:documentation>Information for passengers displayed in the stations or in public timetables</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="01 First-class seats vehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="02 First-class couchettes vehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="03 First-class sleepers vehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="04 Second-class seats vehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="05 Second-class couchettes vehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="06 Second-class sleepers vehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="07 Second-class reclining seats vehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="08 Panorama vehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="09 Dining vehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="10 Bar/Bistro vehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="11 Mobile dining service"/>
<xs:enumeration value="12 Cars loaded"/>
<xs:enumeration value="13 Cars loaded against direction of travel"/>
<xs:enumeration value="14 Cars loaded in direction of travel"/>
<xs:enumeration value="15 Non-smoking vehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="16 Vehicle with smoking compartments"/>
<xs:enumeration value="17 Vehicle with PRM access"/>
<xs:enumeration value="18 Silence vehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="19 Vehicle with child/family facilities"/>
<xs:enumeration value="20 Vehicle with compartments reserved for women"/>
<xs:enumeration value="21 Bike accepted"/>
<xs:enumeration value="22 Bike accepted for free"/>
<xs:enumeration value="23 Bike accepted against paiement"/>
<xs:enumeration value="24 Special vehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="25 Telephone"/>
<xs:enumeration value="26 Wifi"/>
<xs:enumeration value="27 Service vehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="28 Train staff available in this vehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="29 Not in service vehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="30 With supplement"/>
<xs:enumeration value="31 Reservation compulsory"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy