element ResponsibleIM
diagram taf_cat_complete_sector_p405.png
namespace http://taf-jsg.info/schemes
type CompanyCode
content simple
used by
elements LocationPrimaryInformation PlannedJourneyLocation ResponsibilityActualSection ResponsibilityActualSectionPassenger ResponsibilityNextSection ResponsibilityNextSectionPassenger
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 0001
maxInclusive 9999
IM Responsible for Reporting.
For Path Requests, this element has to be used
- in the first journey location (origin of train)
- in journey locations (could even be a network border without stopping of the train) in case where the IM on the oncoming section changes from the legal point of view. This means, the new IM has the legal responsibility for the oncoming section.
source <xs:element name="ResponsibleIM" type="CompanyCode">
<xs:documentation>IM Responsible for Reporting.
For Path Requests, this element has to be used
- in the first journey location (origin of train)
- in journey locations (could even be a network border without stopping of the train) in case where the IM on the oncoming section changes from the legal point of view. This means, the new IM has the legal responsibility for the oncoming section.

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy