element TractionMode
diagram taf_cat_complete_sector_p756.png
namespace http://taf-jsg.info/schemes
type restriction of xs:integer
content simple
used by
elements TrainCompositionJourneySection/LocoIdent TractionDetails TrainCompositionPassenger/VehicleList
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 11
maxInclusive 99
enumeration 11
enumeration 21
enumeration 31
enumeration 41
enumeration 51
enumeration 12
enumeration 22
enumeration 32
enumeration 42
enumeration 52
enumeration 13
enumeration 23
enumeration 33
enumeration 43
enumeration 53
enumeration 14
enumeration 24
enumeration 34
enumeration 44
enumeration 54
enumeration 15
enumeration 25
enumeration 35
enumeration 45
enumeration 55
enumeration 16
enumeration 26
enumeration 36
enumeration 46
enumeration 56
Identifies the mode of deployment of a traction within a train
First digit – traction role
Second digit – position in group of traction units with the same role
11 Train traction 1st  traction unit in the group
21 Intermediate traction 1st  traction unit in the group
31 Banking locomotive 1st  traction unit in the group
41 Banking locomotive not coupled 1st  traction unit in the group
51 No Leading Engine 1st  traction unit in the group
12 Train traction 2nd  traction unit in the group
22 Intermediate traction 2nd  traction unit in the group
32 Banking locomotive 2nd  traction unit in the group
42 Banking locomotive not coupled 2nd  traction unit in the group
52 No Leading Engine 2nd  traction unit in the group
13 Train traction 3rd  traction unit in the group
23 Intermediate traction 3rd  traction unit in the group
33 Banking locomotive 3rd  traction unit in the group
43 Banking locomotive not coupled 3rd  traction unit in the group
53 No Leading Engine 3rd  traction unit in the group
14 Train traction 4th  traction unit in the group
24 Intermediate traction 4th  traction unit in the group
34 Banking locomotive 4th  traction unit in the group
44 Banking locomotive not coupled 4th  traction unit in the group
54 No Leading Engine 4th  traction unit in the group
15 Train traction 5th  traction unit in the group
25 Intermediate traction 5th  traction unit in the group
35 Banking locomotive 5th  traction unit in the group
45 Banking locomotive not coupled 5th  traction unit in the group
55 No Leading Engine 5th  traction unit in the group
16 Train traction 6th  traction unit in the group
26 Intermediate traction 6th  traction unit in the group
36 Banking locomotive 6th  traction unit in the group
46 Banking locomotive not coupled 6th  traction unit in the group
56 No Leading Engine 6th  traction unit in the group

source <xs:element name="TractionMode">
<xs:documentation>Identifies the mode of deployment of a traction within a train
First digit – traction role
Second digit – position in group of traction units with the same role
11 Train traction 1st  traction unit in the group
21 Intermediate traction 1st  traction unit in the group
31 Banking locomotive 1st  traction unit in the group
41 Banking locomotive not coupled 1st  traction unit in the group
51 No Leading Engine 1st  traction unit in the group
12 Train traction 2nd  traction unit in the group
22 Intermediate traction 2nd  traction unit in the group
32 Banking locomotive 2nd  traction unit in the group
42 Banking locomotive not coupled 2nd  traction unit in the group
52 No Leading Engine 2nd  traction unit in the group
13 Train traction 3rd  traction unit in the group
23 Intermediate traction 3rd  traction unit in the group
33 Banking locomotive 3rd  traction unit in the group
43 Banking locomotive not coupled 3rd  traction unit in the group
53 No Leading Engine 3rd  traction unit in the group
14 Train traction 4th  traction unit in the group
24 Intermediate traction 4th  traction unit in the group
34 Banking locomotive 4th  traction unit in the group
44 Banking locomotive not coupled 4th  traction unit in the group
54 No Leading Engine 4th  traction unit in the group
15 Train traction 5th  traction unit in the group
25 Intermediate traction 5th  traction unit in the group
35 Banking locomotive 5th  traction unit in the group
45 Banking locomotive not coupled 5th  traction unit in the group
55 No Leading Engine 5th  traction unit in the group
16 Train traction 6th  traction unit in the group
26 Intermediate traction 6th  traction unit in the group
36 Banking locomotive 6th  traction unit in the group
46 Banking locomotive not coupled 6th  traction unit in the group
56 No Leading Engine 6th  traction unit in the group

<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:minInclusive value="11"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="99"/>
<xs:enumeration value="11"/>
<xs:enumeration value="21"/>
<xs:enumeration value="31"/>
<xs:enumeration value="41"/>
<xs:enumeration value="51"/>
<xs:enumeration value="12"/>
<xs:enumeration value="22"/>
<xs:enumeration value="32"/>
<xs:enumeration value="42"/>
<xs:enumeration value="52"/>
<xs:enumeration value="13"/>
<xs:enumeration value="23"/>
<xs:enumeration value="33"/>
<xs:enumeration value="43"/>
<xs:enumeration value="53"/>
<xs:enumeration value="14"/>
<xs:enumeration value="24"/>
<xs:enumeration value="34"/>
<xs:enumeration value="44"/>
<xs:enumeration value="54"/>
<xs:enumeration value="15"/>
<xs:enumeration value="25"/>
<xs:enumeration value="35"/>
<xs:enumeration value="45"/>
<xs:enumeration value="55"/>
<xs:enumeration value="16"/>
<xs:enumeration value="26"/>
<xs:enumeration value="36"/>
<xs:enumeration value="46"/>
<xs:enumeration value="56"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy