element TractionType
diagram taf_cat_complete_sector_p757.png
namespace http://taf-jsg.info/schemes
type restriction of xs:token
content simple
used by
elements TrainCompositionJourneySection/LocoIdent TrainCompositionPassenger/VehicleList
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration 01
enumeration 02
enumeration 03
enumeration 04
enumeration 11
enumeration 12
enumeration 13
enumeration 14
enumeration 21
enumeration 22
enumeration 23
enumeration 24
enumeration 31
enumeration 32
enumeration 33
enumeration 34
Identifies the type of a locomotive:
First digit:
“0” = not specified
“1” = external electric power supply for traction (catenary and pantograph, third rail or other such as maglev)
“2” = on-board traction power supply for traction without external electrical or other power supply available
“3” = hybrid traction (both on-board or electric traction available)
Second digit (definitions in chapter 2.2.2 of the LOC and PAS TSI 1302/2014):
“0” = not specified
“1” = locomotive or power unit
“2” = trainset or multiple unit or railcar
“3” = shunter
“4” = on track machine or infrastructure inspection vehicle
source <xs:element name="TractionType">
<xs:documentation>Identifies the type of a locomotive:
First digit:
“0” = not specified
“1” = external electric power supply for traction (catenary and pantograph, third rail or other such as maglev)
“2” = on-board traction power supply for traction without external electrical or other power supply available
“3” = hybrid traction (both on-board or electric traction available)
Second digit (definitions in chapter 2.2.2 of the LOC and PAS TSI 1302/2014):
“0” = not specified
“1” = locomotive or power unit
“2” = trainset or multiple unit or railcar
“3” = shunter
“4” = on track machine or infrastructure inspection vehicle
<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
<xs:enumeration value="01"/>
<xs:enumeration value="02"/>
<xs:enumeration value="03"/>
<xs:enumeration value="04"/>
<xs:enumeration value="11"/>
<xs:enumeration value="12"/>
<xs:enumeration value="13"/>
<xs:enumeration value="14"/>
<xs:enumeration value="21"/>
<xs:enumeration value="22"/>
<xs:enumeration value="23"/>
<xs:enumeration value="24"/>
<xs:enumeration value="31"/>
<xs:enumeration value="32"/>
<xs:enumeration value="33"/>
<xs:enumeration value="34"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy