element TrainLocationStatus
diagram taf_cat_complete_sector_p589.png
namespace http://taf-jsg.info/schemes
type RunningStatus
content simple
used by
elements ChangeofTrackMessage DelayEventReport LocationModified TrainAtLocation TrainLocationReport
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration 00
enumeration 01
enumeration 02
enumeration 03
enumeration 04
enumeration 05
enumeration 06
enumeration 07
enumeration 08
enumeration 09
enumeration 10
enumeration 11
enumeration 12
enumeration 13
enumeration 14
enumeration 15
enumeration 16
enumeration 17
enumeration 18
enumeration 19
Identifies the status of a train related to the actual time at a reporting point
source <xs:element name="TrainLocationStatus" type="RunningStatus">
<xs:documentation>Identifies the status of a train related to the actual time at a reporting point</xs:documentation>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy