element WagonETI_ETA_Message
diagram taf_cat_complete_sector_p658.png
namespace http://taf-jsg.info/schemes
content complex
children MessageHeader RelatedReference WagonInformation ArrivalInterchangeReport DepartureInterchangeReport
This message is sent by the RU to the next RU in the transport chain to give him the calculation of its ETI. The last RU sends this message with ETA to the Lead RU, which may inform its customer. Following the handover information from the IM, the RU sends with this message also the updated ETI to the next RU and the last RU sends the updated ETA to the LRU.
source <xs:element name="WagonETI_ETA_Message">
<xs:documentation>This message is sent by the RU to the next RU in the transport chain to give him the calculation of its ETI. The last RU sends this message with ETA to the Lead RU, which may inform its customer. Following the handover information from the IM, the RU sends with this message also the updated ETI to the next RU and the last RU sends the updated ETA to the LRU.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element ref="MessageHeader"/>
<xs:element ref="RelatedReference"/>
<xs:element ref="WagonInformation"/>
<xs:element ref="ArrivalInterchangeReport"/>
<xs:element ref="DepartureInterchangeReport" minOccurs="0"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy