Route Domain Model¶
Each international train has to be split into sections when the train crosses a border. The split locations are called handover points. At each handover the responsibility for the train planning changes from IM to IM and RU to RU. The planning process is coordinated by the RoutingInfo .lead_ru.
This UML class diagram 1 shows the main concepts involved:
Overview Routing Model¶
An international Train
2 must at least have two sections. All
RouteSections of a train are bundled in a RoutingInfo. The Lead RU is responsible for
the correctness and communication of this information to all involved companies. The
following constraint must hold for each RouteSection
Rule SEC-JL Journey Locations
RouteSection.departure_station is a Origin or Handover
RouteSection.arrival_station is a Handover or Destination
For each RouteSection the planning_im and applicant_ru exchange PathRequest and PathDetails to plan the detailed route within a RouteSection. This process is described in detail in the Sector Handbook of the RU/IM Telematrics JSG. As long as borders of a section both in location and time are unchanged no other participant in the planning of the whole train has to be informed. See also Routing Planning Process.
The following paragraph describes the minimal information which all companies involved must know about the RoutingInfo. Changes to this information have to be propagated by the lead RU.
Train, RoutingInfo and RouteSection¶
The following diagramm shows the three main classes of our proposition for the Route Domain Model. It describes the minimum information needed for a valid route information of an international train:
RoutingInfo and RouteSection¶
A train has zero or one RoutingInfo which bundles the information in RouteSections. The version is incremented each time one or more RouteSections have changed.
This model completely describes a planned set of train runs. Each train run is a sequence of section runs which have to connect properly in time at handover points. The timing attributes of a RouteSection serve this purpose:
calendar is a set of calendar days where the train starts at RouteSection.departure_station
departure_time is the day time the train starts each day in calendar
departure_stop_time planned stop time at a section handover station of departure
travel_time travel time from section station of departure to section station of arrival. This attribute is used to calculate the arrival time at station of arrival.
Only RouteSections have a calendar. This is the set of starting days at the departure_station of a section. All timestamps in Train, TrainRun and SectionRuns (see next chapter) are calculated from these timing attributes.
Because a train can have several starting RouteSections (i.e. different departure stations and dates) it makes no sense to assign a calender to a train. A calender must always be relativ to a fixed start location. Example with three IMs explains such a situation with an overnight train in the starting sections.
Working with only timestamps also avoids the difficulties with overnight trains. No OTR (Offset To Reference) is needed!
In our model these classes have a calendar:
A RouteSection defines the planned daily runs of a train
A PathRequest is planned for a RouteSection
A Path is created in response to a PathRequest of an RU to an IM
Calendars of RouteSection, PathRequest and Path¶
The following rules must hold for a consistent set of paths of a train:
Rule SEC-CAL Section-PathRequest-Path calendar relationships
The calendar of a PathRequest must be a subset of the calendar of the section it is planned for.
The calendar of a Path must be a subset of the calendar the PathRequest it is a response.
The calendars of two different PathRequests of a RouteSection must be pairwise disjoint.
The calendars of two different Paths of a PathRequest must be pairwise disjoint.
The calender of a RouteSection must be the union of the calendars of its PathRequests.
The calender of a PathRequest must be the union of the calendars of its Paths.
The last two rules must hold when the path allocation process is finished. The other must always hold. Objects that violate these conditions must not be communicated among partners. Such messages have to be answered with an ErrorMessage.
The method Train train_id()
computes the unique trainID from core_id, lead_ru and
Rule SEC-UID Unique Section ID
must be unique within the set
of sections of a train.
The section_id is used to make the daily train IDs unique in case of overnight trains. Using the start date of a train results in duplicate train IDs. See example below.
Rule SEC-UFK Unique functional key of sections
A route section of a train is uniquely identified by this quadruple:
((section.departure_station, section.departure_time), (section.arrival_station, section.arrival_time))
Therefore, if on some day in the calendar of a section the train from section station of departure AC to section station of arrival EMM should arrive at at different time at EMM, the RU has to define a new RouteSection for this day. If EMM is a handover, the lead RU must ask the applicant RU of the following section to create fitting route section with section station of departure EMM.
We suggest versioning of trains and sections to support the synchronisation of the domain model between the systems of the cooperating companies. If the lead RU changes a section its RouteSection.version is incremented. Same with the RoutingInfo.version. The receiver of a message containing the RoutingInfo 3 can use this information to identify the change and act accordingly.
TrainRun and SectionRun¶
In this section we describe, how the daily train (i.e. a TrainRun) and section runs are computed from the routing info of a Train described in the previous section.
is derived for each day in the calendar of its RouteSectionA
is computed from SectionRuns that fit together. Two sections s, t fit together if s.connects_to(t) == True (seeconnects_to()
For each day in day in RouteSection.calendar a section run is created. All SectionRuns of a
section differ only in the value of departure_time()
, which is the only
information stored in a SectionRun. All other values shown can be computed from this timestamp and
the attributes of the section the run belongs to.
Whereas the section runs can easily computed from information in its RouteSection (mainly calendar and departure time at section station of departure), the train runs must be computed from all possible SectionRun sequences that fit together.
We use a graph algorithm to compute all train runs. The graph used is best described by the examples shown below. The central methods are:
which computes a directed Graph G = (SectionRun, E), where (s,t) in E <=> s.connects_to(t).extended_train_run_graph()
which adds to synthetic vertices to G, one at the beginning (START) connecting to departure stations of SectionRuns and one at the end (END) which connects to all stations of arrival of SectionRuns.train_run_iterator()
which computes all TrainRuns out of all path in G from START to END.