element CombinedTrafficLoadProfile
diagram taf_cat_complete_sector_p734.png
namespace http://taf-jsg.info/schemes
content complex
children P1 P2 C1 C2
used by
element PlannedTrainData
This element does refer to combined load units that can be used for Freight Requests only.
There are two entry options:
• One option refers to “P” (Semi-trailer/road semi-trailer):
P1 requires the code in case the gauge of the semi-trailer is ≤ 2500 mm.
P2 requires the code in case the gauge of the semi-trailer is > 2500 mm ≤ 2600 mm
•The other option refers to “C” (Swap body):
C1 requires the code in case the gauge of the swap body is ≤ 2550 mm.
C2 requires the code in case the gauge of the swap body is > 2550 mm ≤ 2600 mm

The RUs may indicate the relevant values if they are familiar with the IMs line profiles. In case there is a path request for a train with combined traffic load, the IM should indicate the possible max. vValue for all 4 elements (P1, P2, C1, C2)
source <xs:element name="CombinedTrafficLoadProfile">
<xs:documentation>This element does refer to combined load units that can be used for Freight Requests only.
There are two entry options:
• One option refers to “P” (Semi-trailer/road semi-trailer):
P1 requires the code in case the gauge of the semi-trailer is ≤ 2500 mm.
P2 requires the code in case the gauge of the semi-trailer is
> 2500 mm ≤ 2600 mm
•The other option refers to “C” (Swap body):
C1 requires the code in case the gauge of the swap body is ≤ 2550 mm.
C2 requires the code in case the gauge of the swap body is
> 2550 mm ≤ 2600 mm

The RUs may indicate the relevant values if they are familiar with the IMs line profiles. In case there is a path request for a train with combined traffic load, the IM should indicate the possible max. vValue for all 4 elements (P1, P2, C1, C2)
<xs:element name="P1">
<xs:documentation>P1 requires the code in case the gauge of the semi-trailer is ≤ 2500 mm.</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:minInclusive value="001"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="999"/>
<xs:element name="P2">
<xs:documentation>P2 requires the code in case the gauge of the semi-trailer is > 2500 mm ≤ 2600 mm</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:minInclusive value="001"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="999"/>
<xs:element name="C1">
<xs:documentation>C1 requires the code in case the gauge of the swap body is ≤ 2550 mm.</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:minInclusive value="001"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="999"/>
<xs:element name="C2">
<xs:documentation>C2 requires the code in case the gauge of the swap body is > 2550 mm ≤ 2600 mm</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:minInclusive value="001"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="999"/>

element CombinedTrafficLoadProfile/P1
diagram taf_cat_complete_sector_p735.png
namespace http://taf-jsg.info/schemes
type restriction of xs:integer
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 001
maxInclusive 999
P1 requires the code in case the gauge of the semi-trailer is ≤ 2500 mm.
source <xs:element name="P1">
<xs:documentation>P1 requires the code in case the gauge of the semi-trailer is ≤ 2500 mm.</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:minInclusive value="001"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="999"/>

element CombinedTrafficLoadProfile/P2
diagram taf_cat_complete_sector_p736.png
namespace http://taf-jsg.info/schemes
type restriction of xs:integer
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 001
maxInclusive 999
P2 requires the code in case the gauge of the semi-trailer is > 2500 mm ≤ 2600 mm
source <xs:element name="P2">
<xs:documentation>P2 requires the code in case the gauge of the semi-trailer is > 2500 mm ≤ 2600 mm</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:minInclusive value="001"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="999"/>

element CombinedTrafficLoadProfile/C1
diagram taf_cat_complete_sector_p737.png
namespace http://taf-jsg.info/schemes
type restriction of xs:integer
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 001
maxInclusive 999
source <xs:element name="C1">
<xs:documentation>C1 requires the code in case the gauge of the swap body is ≤ 2550 mm.</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:minInclusive value="001"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="999"/>

element CombinedTrafficLoadProfile/C2
diagram taf_cat_complete_sector_p738.png
namespace http://taf-jsg.info/schemes
type restriction of xs:integer
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 001
maxInclusive 999
C2 requires the code in case the gauge of the swap body is > 2550 mm ≤ 2600 mm
source <xs:element name="C2">
<xs:documentation>C2 requires the code in case the gauge of the swap body is > 2550 mm ≤ 2600 mm</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:minInclusive value="001"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="999"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy