element ErrorMessage
diagram taf_cat_complete_sector_p168.png
namespace http://taf-jsg.info/schemes
content complex
children MessageHeader MessageStatus AdministrativeContactInformation ErrorCauseReference Error PlannedTransportIdentifiers TransportOperationalIdentifiers
This message should be sent from the receiver to the sender after the processing of the previously sent TAF/TAP message in the backend (legacy) system of the receiver has failed. 
source <xs:element name="ErrorMessage">
<xs:documentation>This message should be sent from the receiver to the sender after the processing of the previously sent TAF/TAP message in the backend (legacy) system of the receiver has failed.  </xs:documentation>
<xs:element ref="MessageHeader"/>
<xs:element ref="MessageStatus"/>
<xs:element ref="AdministrativeContactInformation"/>
<xs:element name="ErrorCauseReference" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The reference to the message and its particular element(s) that caused the error is provided here</xs:documentation>
<xs:element ref="MessageReference"/>
<xs:element name="MessageSenderReference" type="FreeText" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The additional information about the message which caused an error can be provided here.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="Error" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="TagReference" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>This is a placeholder for XPath expression indicating the element of the orginal message which caused the error.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="TypeOfError">
<xs:documentation>It is an enumerated type to indicate if the error was caused due to a bussines rule violation (1 = FUNCTIONAL) or due to a system failure (2 = TECHNICAL) or both (0 = BOTH)</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:enumeration value="0"/>
<xs:enumeration value="1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="2"/>
<xs:element name="Severity">
<xs:documentation>1 = WARNING

The senders and receivers should agree about the severity levels and their interpretation: should the process stop, should the message be resent etc.
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:enumeration value="1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="3"/>
<xs:enumeration value="4"/>
<xs:element name="ErrorCode">
<xs:documentation>To be defined: code list from 1 to 9999. Proposal from PathDossierErrorCode now used for ErrorCode: Standard values are between 5000 and 6000 (central maintained list). The values greater than 6000 can be used on national level.
5000 Invalid or uknown Message Header
5001 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Message reference
5002 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Message reference.Message Type Code (A1)
5003 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Message reference.Message Type Version
5004 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Message reference.Message Number
5005 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Message reference.Message Date Time
5006 Invalid Message Header.Message Routing ID
5007 Invalid Message Header.Sender Reference
5008 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Sender Reference.Sender
5009 Invalid Message Header.Sender Reference.Sender.CI Instance Number
5010 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Recipient
5011 Invalid Message Header.Recipient.CI Instance Number
5012 Invalid or uknown AdministrativeContactInformation
5013 Invalid or uknown AdministrativeContactInformation.Company ID
5014 Invalid or uknown AdministrativeContactInformation.Name
5015 Invalid AdministrativeContactInformation.Phone number
5016 Invalid AdministrativeContactInformation.E-Mail
5017 Invalid AdministrativeContactInformation.Fax number
5018 Invalid AdministrativeContactInformation.User Identification
5019 Invalid or uknown Identifiers
5020 Invalid or uknown Identifiers.Planned Train ID (TRID)
5021 Invalid Identifiers.Case Reference ID (Dossier)
5022 Invalid or uknown Identifiers.Path Request ID
5023 Invalid Identifiers.Path ID
5024 Invalid Identifiers.Related to other Case reference IDs (Dossier)
5025 Invalid Identifiers.Related to other Planned Train IDs
5026 Invalid Identifiers.Related to other Path IDs
5027 Invalid Identifiers.Reference to Path Request ID
5028 Invalid or uknown Message Status
5029 Invalid Received on Time indicator
5030 Invalid Process trigger
5031 Invalid or uknown Type of Harmonization
5032 Invalid Coordinating IM
5033 Invalid Leading RU
5034 Invalid or uknown Type of request
5035 Invalid or uknown Type of information
5036 Invalid PathDossierError
5037 Uknown Error
5039 Invalid or uknown Type of update
5040 Invalid or uknown Train Information
5041 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location
5042 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey LocationLocation Ident
5043 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location Location Ident.Country Code ISO
5044 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location Location Ident.Location Primary Code
5045 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location.Location Ident.PrimaryLocationName
5046 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification
5047 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Location Subsidiary type code
5048 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Location Subsidiary Code
5049 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Allocation Company
5050 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Location Subsidiary Name
5051 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Type of Location
5052 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Timing at location
5053 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing
5054 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing .Time
5055 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location.Timing at location.Timing .TimingQualifierCode
5056 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location.Timing at location.Timing.Offset
5057 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Timing at location.Dwell Time
5058 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Free text field
5059 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Responsible Applicant
5060 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Responsible RU
5061 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Responsible IM
5062 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data
5063 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Train type
5064 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Commercial Traffic Type
5065 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Traffic Type
5066 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service
5067 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Special service description code
5068 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Facility type description code
5069 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Characteristic description code
5070 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data
5071 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Weight
5072 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Length
5073 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Weight of the set of carriages
5074 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Length of set of carriages
5075 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails
5076 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Loco Type Number
5077 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails Traction Mode
5078 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails Train CC System
5079 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey LocationPlanned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Train Radio System
5080 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Traction Weight
5081 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails Traction Length
5082 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Max Speed
5083 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Highest Planned Speed
5084 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Tilting function
5085 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Max Axle Weight
5086 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Route Class
5087 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Planned Brake Type
5088 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Emergency Brake Override
5089 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Planned Braking Ratio
5090 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.MinBrakedWeightPercent
5091 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Brake Weight
5092 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞
5093 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞.IM Partner
5094 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞.Exceptional Gauging Code
5095 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile
5096 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile P1
5097 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile P2
5098 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile C1
5099 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile C2
5100 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication
5101 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type
5102 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Hazard Number
5103 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.UN Material Number
5104 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.RID Classification
5105 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Packing Group
5106 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Weight of dangerous good
5107 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Status of Harmonization
5108 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Status of Harmonization.Interchange harmonized
5109 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Status of Harmonization.Handover harmonized
5110 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Train Activity Type
5111 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .AssociatedAttachedTrain ID
5112 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location ."On demand" path
5113 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Pre-arranged paths
5114 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Operational Train Number
5115 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Network specific parameters
5116 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Network specific parameters .Name
5117 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Network specific parameters .Value
5118 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location
5119 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident
5120 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Country Code ISO
5121 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Primary Code
5122 Invalid Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification
5123 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification .Location Subsidiary type code
5124 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification .Location Subsidiary Code
5125 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification .Allocation Company
5126 Invalid Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification .LocationSubsidiaryName
5127 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Planned calendar
5128 Invalid Train Information.Path planning reference location.Planned calendar .BitmapDays
5129 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Planned calendar .Validity Period
5130 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Planned calendar .Validity Period.Start Date
5131 Invalid Train Information.Path planning reference location.Planned calendar .Validity Period.End Date
5132 Invalid or uknown Path Information
5133 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location
5134 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident
5135 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Country Code ISO
5136 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Primary Code
5137 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.PrimaryLocationName
5138 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification
5139 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Location Subsidiary type code
5140 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Location Subsidiary Code
5141 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Allocation Company
5142 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.LocationSubsidiaryName
5143 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location
5144 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing
5145 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing .Time
5146 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing .TimingQualifierCode (attribute of "Timing at location")
5147 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing .Offset
5148 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location.Dwell Time
5149 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Free text field
5150 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Responsible Applicant
5151 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Responsible RU
5152 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Responsible IM
5153 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data
5154 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Train type
5155 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Commercial Traffic Type
5156 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Traffic Type
5157 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service
5158 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Special service description code
5159 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Facility type description code
5160 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Characteristic description code
5161 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data
5162 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Weight
5163 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Length
5164 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Weight of the set of carriages
5165 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Length of set of carriages
5166 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails
5167 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Loco Type Number
5168 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Traction Mode
5169 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Train CC System
5170 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Train Radio System
5171 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Traction Weight
5172 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Traction Length
5173 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Max Speed
5174 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Highest Planned Speed
5175 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Tilting function
5176 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Max Axle Weight
5177 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Route Class
5178 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Planned Brake Type
5179 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Emergency Brake Override
5180 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Planned Braking Ratio
5181 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.MinBrakedWeightPercent
5182 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Brake Weight
5183 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞
5184 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞.IM Code
5185 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞.Exceptional Gauging Code
5186 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile
5187 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile P1
5188 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile P2
5189 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile C1
5190 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile C2
5191 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication
5192 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type
5193 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Hazard Number
5194 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.UN Material Number
5195 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.RID Classification
5196 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Packing Group
5197 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Weight of dangerous good
5198 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Status of Harmonization
5199 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Status of Harmonization.Interchange harmonized
5200 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Status of Harmonization.Handover harmonized
5201 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Type of Location
5202 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Train Activity Type
5203 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .AssociatedAttachedTrain ID
5204 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location ."On demand" path
5205 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Pre-arranged paths
5206 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Operational Train Number
5207 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Network specific parameters
5208 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Network specific parameters .Name
5209 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Network specific parameters .Value
5210 Invalid or uknown Network specific parameters
5211 Invalid Network specific parameters .Name
5212 Invalid Network specific parameters .Value
5213 Invalid Revised Request
5214 Invalid or uknown Affected section
5215 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section
5216 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident
5217 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Country Code ISO
5218 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Primary Code
5219 Invalid Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.PrimaryLocationName
5220 Invalid Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code
5221 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code .Location Subsidiary type code
5222 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code .Location Subsidiary Ident
5223 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code .Allocation Company
5224 Invalid Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code .LocationSubsidiaryName
5225 Invalid Affected section .Sequence of Start of Section
5226 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section
5227 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident
5228 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Country Code ISO
5229 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Primary Code
5230 Invalid Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.PrimaryLocationName
5231 Invalid Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code
5232 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code.Location Subsidiary type code
5233 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code.Location Subsidiary Ident
5234 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code.Allocation Company
5235 Invalid Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code.LocationSubsidiaryName
5236 Invalid Affected section .Sequence of End of Section
5237 Invalid Affected section .Network Section
5238 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Network Section.Network specific parameters
5239 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Network Section.Network specific parameters .Name
5240 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Network Section.Network specific parameters .Value
5241 Invalid Affected section .Operational Train Number
5242 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Calendar
5243 Invalid Affected section .Calendar .BitmapDays
5244 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Calendar .Validity Period
5245 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Calendar .Validity Period.Start Date
5246 Invalid Affected section .Calendar .Validity Period.End Date
5247 Invalid or uknown Interruption Information
5248 Invalid or uknown Interruption Information.Interruption
5249 Invalid or uknown Interruption Information.Interruption .Interruption Reason
5250 Invalid Interruption Information.Interruption .Interruption DateTime
5251 Invalid Interruption Information.Interruption .Interruption Description
5252 Invalid Interruption Information.Interruption .Interruption Reference Number
5253 Invalid Free Text Field
5254 Answer not possible

6000 National Section Elements
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:minInclusive value="1"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="9999"/>
<xs:element ref="FreeTextField"/>
<xs:element ref="PlannedTransportIdentifiers" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element ref="TransportOperationalIdentifiers" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

element ErrorMessage/ErrorCauseReference
diagram taf_cat_complete_sector_p169.png
namespace http://taf-jsg.info/schemes
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content complex
children MessageReference MessageSenderReference
The reference to the message and its particular element(s) that caused the error is provided here
source <xs:element name="ErrorCauseReference" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The reference to the message and its particular element(s) that caused the error is provided here</xs:documentation>
<xs:element ref="MessageReference"/>
<xs:element name="MessageSenderReference" type="FreeText" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The additional information about the message which caused an error can be provided here.</xs:documentation>

element ErrorMessage/ErrorCauseReference/MessageSenderReference
diagram taf_cat_complete_sector_p170.png
namespace http://taf-jsg.info/schemes
type FreeText
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minLength 1
maxLength 255
The additional information about the message which caused an error can be provided here.
source <xs:element name="MessageSenderReference" type="FreeText" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The additional information about the message which caused an error can be provided here.</xs:documentation>

element ErrorMessage/Error
diagram taf_cat_complete_sector_p171.png
namespace http://taf-jsg.info/schemes
minOcc 1
maxOcc unbounded
content complex
children TagReference TypeOfError Severity ErrorCode FreeTextField
source <xs:element name="Error" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="TagReference" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>This is a placeholder for XPath expression indicating the element of the orginal message which caused the error.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="TypeOfError">
<xs:documentation>It is an enumerated type to indicate if the error was caused due to a bussines rule violation (1 = FUNCTIONAL) or due to a system failure (2 = TECHNICAL) or both (0 = BOTH)</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:enumeration value="0"/>
<xs:enumeration value="1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="2"/>
<xs:element name="Severity">
<xs:documentation>1 = WARNING

The senders and receivers should agree about the severity levels and their interpretation: should the process stop, should the message be resent etc.
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:enumeration value="1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="3"/>
<xs:enumeration value="4"/>
<xs:element name="ErrorCode">
<xs:documentation>To be defined: code list from 1 to 9999. Proposal from PathDossierErrorCode now used for ErrorCode: Standard values are between 5000 and 6000 (central maintained list). The values greater than 6000 can be used on national level.
5000 Invalid or uknown Message Header
5001 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Message reference
5002 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Message reference.Message Type Code (A1)
5003 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Message reference.Message Type Version
5004 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Message reference.Message Number
5005 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Message reference.Message Date Time
5006 Invalid Message Header.Message Routing ID
5007 Invalid Message Header.Sender Reference
5008 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Sender Reference.Sender
5009 Invalid Message Header.Sender Reference.Sender.CI Instance Number
5010 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Recipient
5011 Invalid Message Header.Recipient.CI Instance Number
5012 Invalid or uknown AdministrativeContactInformation
5013 Invalid or uknown AdministrativeContactInformation.Company ID
5014 Invalid or uknown AdministrativeContactInformation.Name
5015 Invalid AdministrativeContactInformation.Phone number
5016 Invalid AdministrativeContactInformation.E-Mail
5017 Invalid AdministrativeContactInformation.Fax number
5018 Invalid AdministrativeContactInformation.User Identification
5019 Invalid or uknown Identifiers
5020 Invalid or uknown Identifiers.Planned Train ID (TRID)
5021 Invalid Identifiers.Case Reference ID (Dossier)
5022 Invalid or uknown Identifiers.Path Request ID
5023 Invalid Identifiers.Path ID
5024 Invalid Identifiers.Related to other Case reference IDs (Dossier)
5025 Invalid Identifiers.Related to other Planned Train IDs
5026 Invalid Identifiers.Related to other Path IDs
5027 Invalid Identifiers.Reference to Path Request ID
5028 Invalid or uknown Message Status
5029 Invalid Received on Time indicator
5030 Invalid Process trigger
5031 Invalid or uknown Type of Harmonization
5032 Invalid Coordinating IM
5033 Invalid Leading RU
5034 Invalid or uknown Type of request
5035 Invalid or uknown Type of information
5036 Invalid PathDossierError
5037 Uknown Error
5039 Invalid or uknown Type of update
5040 Invalid or uknown Train Information
5041 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location
5042 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey LocationLocation Ident
5043 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location Location Ident.Country Code ISO
5044 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location Location Ident.Location Primary Code
5045 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location.Location Ident.PrimaryLocationName
5046 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification
5047 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Location Subsidiary type code
5048 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Location Subsidiary Code
5049 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Allocation Company
5050 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Location Subsidiary Name
5051 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Type of Location
5052 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Timing at location
5053 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing
5054 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing .Time
5055 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location.Timing at location.Timing .TimingQualifierCode
5056 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location.Timing at location.Timing.Offset
5057 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Timing at location.Dwell Time
5058 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Free text field
5059 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Responsible Applicant
5060 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Responsible RU
5061 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Responsible IM
5062 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data
5063 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Train type
5064 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Commercial Traffic Type
5065 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Traffic Type
5066 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service
5067 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Special service description code
5068 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Facility type description code
5069 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Characteristic description code
5070 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data
5071 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Weight
5072 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Length
5073 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Weight of the set of carriages
5074 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Length of set of carriages
5075 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails
5076 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Loco Type Number
5077 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails Traction Mode
5078 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails Train CC System
5079 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey LocationPlanned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Train Radio System
5080 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Traction Weight
5081 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails Traction Length
5082 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Max Speed
5083 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Highest Planned Speed
5084 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Tilting function
5085 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Max Axle Weight
5086 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Route Class
5087 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Planned Brake Type
5088 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Emergency Brake Override
5089 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Planned Braking Ratio
5090 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.MinBrakedWeightPercent
5091 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Brake Weight
5092 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞
5093 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞.IM Partner
5094 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞.Exceptional Gauging Code
5095 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile
5096 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile P1
5097 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile P2
5098 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile C1
5099 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile C2
5100 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication
5101 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type
5102 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Hazard Number
5103 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.UN Material Number
5104 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.RID Classification
5105 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Packing Group
5106 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Weight of dangerous good
5107 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Status of Harmonization
5108 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Status of Harmonization.Interchange harmonized
5109 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Status of Harmonization.Handover harmonized
5110 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Train Activity Type
5111 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .AssociatedAttachedTrain ID
5112 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location ."On demand" path
5113 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Pre-arranged paths
5114 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Operational Train Number
5115 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Network specific parameters
5116 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Network specific parameters .Name
5117 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Network specific parameters .Value
5118 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location
5119 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident
5120 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Country Code ISO
5121 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Primary Code
5122 Invalid Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification
5123 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification .Location Subsidiary type code
5124 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification .Location Subsidiary Code
5125 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification .Allocation Company
5126 Invalid Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification .LocationSubsidiaryName
5127 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Planned calendar
5128 Invalid Train Information.Path planning reference location.Planned calendar .BitmapDays
5129 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Planned calendar .Validity Period
5130 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Planned calendar .Validity Period.Start Date
5131 Invalid Train Information.Path planning reference location.Planned calendar .Validity Period.End Date
5132 Invalid or uknown Path Information
5133 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location
5134 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident
5135 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Country Code ISO
5136 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Primary Code
5137 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.PrimaryLocationName
5138 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification
5139 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Location Subsidiary type code
5140 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Location Subsidiary Code
5141 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Allocation Company
5142 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.LocationSubsidiaryName
5143 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location
5144 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing
5145 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing .Time
5146 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing .TimingQualifierCode (attribute of "Timing at location")
5147 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing .Offset
5148 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location.Dwell Time
5149 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Free text field
5150 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Responsible Applicant
5151 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Responsible RU
5152 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Responsible IM
5153 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data
5154 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Train type
5155 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Commercial Traffic Type
5156 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Traffic Type
5157 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service
5158 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Special service description code
5159 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Facility type description code
5160 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Characteristic description code
5161 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data
5162 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Weight
5163 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Length
5164 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Weight of the set of carriages
5165 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Length of set of carriages
5166 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails
5167 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Loco Type Number
5168 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Traction Mode
5169 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Train CC System
5170 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Train Radio System
5171 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Traction Weight
5172 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Traction Length
5173 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Max Speed
5174 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Highest Planned Speed
5175 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Tilting function
5176 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Max Axle Weight
5177 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Route Class
5178 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Planned Brake Type
5179 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Emergency Brake Override
5180 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Planned Braking Ratio
5181 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.MinBrakedWeightPercent
5182 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Brake Weight
5183 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞
5184 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞.IM Code
5185 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞.Exceptional Gauging Code
5186 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile
5187 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile P1
5188 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile P2
5189 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile C1
5190 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile C2
5191 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication
5192 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type
5193 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Hazard Number
5194 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.UN Material Number
5195 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.RID Classification
5196 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Packing Group
5197 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Weight of dangerous good
5198 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Status of Harmonization
5199 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Status of Harmonization.Interchange harmonized
5200 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Status of Harmonization.Handover harmonized
5201 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Type of Location
5202 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Train Activity Type
5203 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .AssociatedAttachedTrain ID
5204 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location ."On demand" path
5205 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Pre-arranged paths
5206 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Operational Train Number
5207 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Network specific parameters
5208 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Network specific parameters .Name
5209 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Network specific parameters .Value
5210 Invalid or uknown Network specific parameters
5211 Invalid Network specific parameters .Name
5212 Invalid Network specific parameters .Value
5213 Invalid Revised Request
5214 Invalid or uknown Affected section
5215 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section
5216 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident
5217 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Country Code ISO
5218 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Primary Code
5219 Invalid Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.PrimaryLocationName
5220 Invalid Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code
5221 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code .Location Subsidiary type code
5222 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code .Location Subsidiary Ident
5223 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code .Allocation Company
5224 Invalid Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code .LocationSubsidiaryName
5225 Invalid Affected section .Sequence of Start of Section
5226 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section
5227 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident
5228 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Country Code ISO
5229 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Primary Code
5230 Invalid Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.PrimaryLocationName
5231 Invalid Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code
5232 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code.Location Subsidiary type code
5233 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code.Location Subsidiary Ident
5234 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code.Allocation Company
5235 Invalid Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code.LocationSubsidiaryName
5236 Invalid Affected section .Sequence of End of Section
5237 Invalid Affected section .Network Section
5238 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Network Section.Network specific parameters
5239 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Network Section.Network specific parameters .Name
5240 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Network Section.Network specific parameters .Value
5241 Invalid Affected section .Operational Train Number
5242 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Calendar
5243 Invalid Affected section .Calendar .BitmapDays
5244 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Calendar .Validity Period
5245 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Calendar .Validity Period.Start Date
5246 Invalid Affected section .Calendar .Validity Period.End Date
5247 Invalid or uknown Interruption Information
5248 Invalid or uknown Interruption Information.Interruption
5249 Invalid or uknown Interruption Information.Interruption .Interruption Reason
5250 Invalid Interruption Information.Interruption .Interruption DateTime
5251 Invalid Interruption Information.Interruption .Interruption Description
5252 Invalid Interruption Information.Interruption .Interruption Reference Number
5253 Invalid Free Text Field
5254 Answer not possible

6000 National Section Elements
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:minInclusive value="1"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="9999"/>
<xs:element ref="FreeTextField"/>

element ErrorMessage/Error/TagReference
diagram taf_cat_complete_sector_p172.png
namespace http://taf-jsg.info/schemes
type xs:string
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
This is a placeholder for XPath expression indicating the element of the orginal message which caused the error.
source <xs:element name="TagReference" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>This is a placeholder for XPath expression indicating the element of the orginal message which caused the error.</xs:documentation>

element ErrorMessage/Error/TypeOfError
diagram taf_cat_complete_sector_p173.png
namespace http://taf-jsg.info/schemes
type restriction of xs:integer
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration 0
enumeration 1
enumeration 2
It is an enumerated type to indicate if the error was caused due to a bussines rule violation (1 = FUNCTIONAL) or due to a system failure (2 = TECHNICAL) or both (0 = BOTH)
source <xs:element name="TypeOfError">
<xs:documentation>It is an enumerated type to indicate if the error was caused due to a bussines rule violation (1 = FUNCTIONAL) or due to a system failure (2 = TECHNICAL) or both (0 = BOTH)</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:enumeration value="0"/>
<xs:enumeration value="1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="2"/>

element ErrorMessage/Error/Severity
diagram taf_cat_complete_sector_p174.png
namespace http://taf-jsg.info/schemes
type restriction of xs:integer
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration 1
enumeration 2
enumeration 3
enumeration 4

The senders and receivers should agree about the severity levels and their interpretation: should the process stop, should the message be resent etc.
source <xs:element name="Severity">
<xs:documentation>1 = WARNING

The senders and receivers should agree about the severity levels and their interpretation: should the process stop, should the message be resent etc.
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:enumeration value="1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="3"/>
<xs:enumeration value="4"/>

element ErrorMessage/Error/ErrorCode
diagram taf_cat_complete_sector_p175.png
namespace http://taf-jsg.info/schemes
type restriction of xs:integer
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 1
maxInclusive 9999
To be defined: code list from 1 to 9999. Proposal from PathDossierErrorCode now used for ErrorCode: Standard values are between 5000 and 6000 (central maintained list). The values greater than 6000 can be used on national level.
5000 Invalid or uknown Message Header
5001 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Message reference
5002 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Message reference.Message Type Code (A1)
5003 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Message reference.Message Type Version
5004 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Message reference.Message Number
5005 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Message reference.Message Date Time
5006 Invalid Message Header.Message Routing ID
5007 Invalid Message Header.Sender Reference
5008 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Sender Reference.Sender
5009 Invalid Message Header.Sender Reference.Sender.CI Instance Number
5010 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Recipient
5011 Invalid Message Header.Recipient.CI Instance Number
5012 Invalid or uknown AdministrativeContactInformation
5013 Invalid or uknown AdministrativeContactInformation.Company ID
5014 Invalid or uknown AdministrativeContactInformation.Name
5015 Invalid AdministrativeContactInformation.Phone number
5016 Invalid AdministrativeContactInformation.E-Mail
5017 Invalid AdministrativeContactInformation.Fax number
5018 Invalid AdministrativeContactInformation.User Identification
5019 Invalid or uknown Identifiers
5020 Invalid or uknown Identifiers.Planned Train ID (TRID)
5021 Invalid Identifiers.Case Reference ID (Dossier)
5022 Invalid or uknown Identifiers.Path Request ID
5023 Invalid Identifiers.Path ID
5024 Invalid Identifiers.Related to other Case reference IDs (Dossier)
5025 Invalid Identifiers.Related to other Planned Train IDs
5026 Invalid Identifiers.Related to other Path IDs
5027 Invalid Identifiers.Reference to Path Request ID
5028 Invalid or uknown Message Status
5029 Invalid Received on Time indicator
5030 Invalid Process trigger
5031 Invalid or uknown Type of Harmonization
5032 Invalid Coordinating IM
5033 Invalid Leading RU
5034 Invalid or uknown Type of request
5035 Invalid or uknown Type of information
5036 Invalid PathDossierError
5037 Uknown Error
5039 Invalid or uknown Type of update
5040 Invalid or uknown Train Information
5041 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location
5042 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey LocationLocation Ident
5043 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location Location Ident.Country Code ISO
5044 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location Location Ident.Location Primary Code
5045 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location.Location Ident.PrimaryLocationName
5046 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification
5047 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Location Subsidiary type code
5048 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Location Subsidiary Code
5049 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Allocation Company
5050 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Location Subsidiary Name
5051 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Type of Location
5052 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Timing at location
5053 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing
5054 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing .Time
5055 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location.Timing at location.Timing .TimingQualifierCode
5056 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location.Timing at location.Timing.Offset
5057 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Timing at location.Dwell Time
5058 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Free text field
5059 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Responsible Applicant
5060 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Responsible RU
5061 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Responsible IM
5062 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data
5063 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Train type
5064 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Commercial Traffic Type
5065 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Traffic Type
5066 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service
5067 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Special service description code
5068 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Facility type description code
5069 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Characteristic description code
5070 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data
5071 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Weight
5072 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Length
5073 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Weight of the set of carriages
5074 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Length of set of carriages
5075 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails
5076 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Loco Type Number
5077 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails Traction Mode
5078 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails Train CC System
5079 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey LocationPlanned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Train Radio System
5080 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Traction Weight
5081 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails Traction Length
5082 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Max Speed
5083 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Highest Planned Speed
5084 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Tilting function
5085 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Max Axle Weight
5086 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Route Class
5087 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Planned Brake Type
5088 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Emergency Brake Override
5089 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Planned Braking Ratio
5090 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.MinBrakedWeightPercent
5091 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Brake Weight
5092 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞
5093 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞.IM Partner
5094 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞.Exceptional Gauging Code
5095 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile
5096 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile P1
5097 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile P2
5098 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile C1
5099 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile C2
5100 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication
5101 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type
5102 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Hazard Number
5103 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.UN Material Number
5104 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.RID Classification
5105 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Packing Group
5106 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Weight of dangerous good
5107 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Status of Harmonization
5108 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Status of Harmonization.Interchange harmonized
5109 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Status of Harmonization.Handover harmonized
5110 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Train Activity Type
5111 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .AssociatedAttachedTrain ID
5112 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location ."On demand" path
5113 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Pre-arranged paths
5114 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Operational Train Number
5115 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Network specific parameters
5116 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Network specific parameters .Name
5117 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Network specific parameters .Value
5118 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location
5119 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident
5120 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Country Code ISO
5121 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Primary Code
5122 Invalid Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification
5123 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification .Location Subsidiary type code
5124 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification .Location Subsidiary Code
5125 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification .Allocation Company
5126 Invalid Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification .LocationSubsidiaryName
5127 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Planned calendar
5128 Invalid Train Information.Path planning reference location.Planned calendar .BitmapDays
5129 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Planned calendar .Validity Period
5130 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Planned calendar .Validity Period.Start Date
5131 Invalid Train Information.Path planning reference location.Planned calendar .Validity Period.End Date
5132 Invalid or uknown Path Information
5133 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location
5134 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident
5135 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Country Code ISO
5136 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Primary Code
5137 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.PrimaryLocationName
5138 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification
5139 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Location Subsidiary type code
5140 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Location Subsidiary Code
5141 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Allocation Company
5142 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.LocationSubsidiaryName
5143 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location
5144 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing
5145 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing .Time
5146 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing .TimingQualifierCode (attribute of "Timing at location")
5147 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing .Offset
5148 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location.Dwell Time
5149 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Free text field
5150 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Responsible Applicant
5151 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Responsible RU
5152 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Responsible IM
5153 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data
5154 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Train type
5155 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Commercial Traffic Type
5156 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Traffic Type
5157 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service
5158 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Special service description code
5159 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Facility type description code
5160 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Characteristic description code
5161 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data
5162 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Weight
5163 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Length
5164 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Weight of the set of carriages
5165 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Length of set of carriages
5166 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails
5167 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Loco Type Number
5168 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Traction Mode
5169 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Train CC System
5170 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Train Radio System
5171 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Traction Weight
5172 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Traction Length
5173 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Max Speed
5174 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Highest Planned Speed
5175 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Tilting function
5176 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Max Axle Weight
5177 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Route Class
5178 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Planned Brake Type
5179 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Emergency Brake Override
5180 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Planned Braking Ratio
5181 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.MinBrakedWeightPercent
5182 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Brake Weight
5183 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞
5184 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞.IM Code
5185 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞.Exceptional Gauging Code
5186 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile
5187 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile P1
5188 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile P2
5189 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile C1
5190 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile C2
5191 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication
5192 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type
5193 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Hazard Number
5194 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.UN Material Number
5195 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.RID Classification
5196 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Packing Group
5197 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Weight of dangerous good
5198 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Status of Harmonization
5199 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Status of Harmonization.Interchange harmonized
5200 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Status of Harmonization.Handover harmonized
5201 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Type of Location
5202 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Train Activity Type
5203 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .AssociatedAttachedTrain ID
5204 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location ."On demand" path
5205 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Pre-arranged paths
5206 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Operational Train Number
5207 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Network specific parameters
5208 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Network specific parameters .Name
5209 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Network specific parameters .Value
5210 Invalid or uknown Network specific parameters
5211 Invalid Network specific parameters .Name
5212 Invalid Network specific parameters .Value
5213 Invalid Revised Request
5214 Invalid or uknown Affected section
5215 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section
5216 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident
5217 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Country Code ISO
5218 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Primary Code
5219 Invalid Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.PrimaryLocationName
5220 Invalid Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code
5221 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code .Location Subsidiary type code
5222 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code .Location Subsidiary Ident
5223 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code .Allocation Company
5224 Invalid Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code .LocationSubsidiaryName
5225 Invalid Affected section .Sequence of Start of Section
5226 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section
5227 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident
5228 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Country Code ISO
5229 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Primary Code
5230 Invalid Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.PrimaryLocationName
5231 Invalid Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code
5232 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code.Location Subsidiary type code
5233 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code.Location Subsidiary Ident
5234 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code.Allocation Company
5235 Invalid Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code.LocationSubsidiaryName
5236 Invalid Affected section .Sequence of End of Section
5237 Invalid Affected section .Network Section
5238 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Network Section.Network specific parameters
5239 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Network Section.Network specific parameters .Name
5240 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Network Section.Network specific parameters .Value
5241 Invalid Affected section .Operational Train Number
5242 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Calendar
5243 Invalid Affected section .Calendar .BitmapDays
5244 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Calendar .Validity Period
5245 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Calendar .Validity Period.Start Date
5246 Invalid Affected section .Calendar .Validity Period.End Date
5247 Invalid or uknown Interruption Information
5248 Invalid or uknown Interruption Information.Interruption
5249 Invalid or uknown Interruption Information.Interruption .Interruption Reason
5250 Invalid Interruption Information.Interruption .Interruption DateTime
5251 Invalid Interruption Information.Interruption .Interruption Description
5252 Invalid Interruption Information.Interruption .Interruption Reference Number
5253 Invalid Free Text Field
5254 Answer not possible

6000 National Section Elements
source <xs:element name="ErrorCode">
<xs:documentation>To be defined: code list from 1 to 9999. Proposal from PathDossierErrorCode now used for ErrorCode: Standard values are between 5000 and 6000 (central maintained list). The values greater than 6000 can be used on national level.
5000 Invalid or uknown Message Header
5001 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Message reference
5002 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Message reference.Message Type Code (A1)
5003 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Message reference.Message Type Version
5004 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Message reference.Message Number
5005 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Message reference.Message Date Time
5006 Invalid Message Header.Message Routing ID
5007 Invalid Message Header.Sender Reference
5008 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Sender Reference.Sender
5009 Invalid Message Header.Sender Reference.Sender.CI Instance Number
5010 Invalid or uknown Message Header.Recipient
5011 Invalid Message Header.Recipient.CI Instance Number
5012 Invalid or uknown AdministrativeContactInformation
5013 Invalid or uknown AdministrativeContactInformation.Company ID
5014 Invalid or uknown AdministrativeContactInformation.Name
5015 Invalid AdministrativeContactInformation.Phone number
5016 Invalid AdministrativeContactInformation.E-Mail
5017 Invalid AdministrativeContactInformation.Fax number
5018 Invalid AdministrativeContactInformation.User Identification
5019 Invalid or uknown Identifiers
5020 Invalid or uknown Identifiers.Planned Train ID (TRID)
5021 Invalid Identifiers.Case Reference ID (Dossier)
5022 Invalid or uknown Identifiers.Path Request ID
5023 Invalid Identifiers.Path ID
5024 Invalid Identifiers.Related to other Case reference IDs (Dossier)
5025 Invalid Identifiers.Related to other Planned Train IDs
5026 Invalid Identifiers.Related to other Path IDs
5027 Invalid Identifiers.Reference to Path Request ID
5028 Invalid or uknown Message Status
5029 Invalid Received on Time indicator
5030 Invalid Process trigger
5031 Invalid or uknown Type of Harmonization
5032 Invalid Coordinating IM
5033 Invalid Leading RU
5034 Invalid or uknown Type of request
5035 Invalid or uknown Type of information
5036 Invalid PathDossierError
5037 Uknown Error
5039 Invalid or uknown Type of update
5040 Invalid or uknown Train Information
5041 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location
5042 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey LocationLocation Ident
5043 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location Location Ident.Country Code ISO
5044 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location Location Ident.Location Primary Code
5045 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location.Location Ident.PrimaryLocationName
5046 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification
5047 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Location Subsidiary type code
5048 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Location Subsidiary Code
5049 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Allocation Company
5050 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Location Subsidiary Name
5051 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Type of Location
5052 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Timing at location
5053 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing
5054 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing .Time
5055 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location.Timing at location.Timing .TimingQualifierCode
5056 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location.Timing at location.Timing.Offset
5057 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Timing at location.Dwell Time
5058 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Free text field
5059 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Responsible Applicant
5060 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Responsible RU
5061 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Responsible IM
5062 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data
5063 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Train type
5064 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Commercial Traffic Type
5065 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Traffic Type
5066 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service
5067 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Special service description code
5068 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Facility type description code
5069 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Characteristic description code
5070 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data
5071 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Weight
5072 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Length
5073 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Weight of the set of carriages
5074 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Length of set of carriages
5075 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails
5076 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Loco Type Number
5077 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails Traction Mode
5078 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails Train CC System
5079 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey LocationPlanned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Train Radio System
5080 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Traction Weight
5081 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails Traction Length
5082 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Max Speed
5083 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Highest Planned Speed
5084 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Tilting function
5085 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Max Axle Weight
5086 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Route Class
5087 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Planned Brake Type
5088 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Emergency Brake Override
5089 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Planned Braking Ratio
5090 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.MinBrakedWeightPercent
5091 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Brake Weight
5092 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞
5093 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞.IM Partner
5094 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞.Exceptional Gauging Code
5095 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile
5096 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile P1
5097 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile P2
5098 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile C1
5099 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile C2
5100 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication
5101 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type
5102 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Hazard Number
5103 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.UN Material Number
5104 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.RID Classification
5105 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Packing Group
5106 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Weight of dangerous good
5107 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Status of Harmonization
5108 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Status of Harmonization.Interchange harmonized
5109 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Status of Harmonization.Handover harmonized
5110 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Train Activity Type
5111 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .AssociatedAttachedTrain ID
5112 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location ."On demand" path
5113 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Pre-arranged paths
5114 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Operational Train Number
5115 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Network specific parameters
5116 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Network specific parameters .Name
5117 Invalid Train Information.Planned Journey Location .Network specific parameters .Value
5118 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location
5119 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident
5120 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Country Code ISO
5121 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Primary Code
5122 Invalid Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification
5123 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification .Location Subsidiary type code
5124 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification .Location Subsidiary Code
5125 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification .Allocation Company
5126 Invalid Train Information.Path planning reference location.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification .LocationSubsidiaryName
5127 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Planned calendar
5128 Invalid Train Information.Path planning reference location.Planned calendar .BitmapDays
5129 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Planned calendar .Validity Period
5130 Invalid or uknown Train Information.Path planning reference location.Planned calendar .Validity Period.Start Date
5131 Invalid Train Information.Path planning reference location.Planned calendar .Validity Period.End Date
5132 Invalid or uknown Path Information
5133 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location
5134 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident
5135 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Country Code ISO
5136 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Primary Code
5137 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.PrimaryLocationName
5138 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification
5139 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Location Subsidiary type code
5140 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Location Subsidiary Code
5141 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.Allocation Company
5142 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Location Ident.Location Subsidiary Identification.LocationSubsidiaryName
5143 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location
5144 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing
5145 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing .Time
5146 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing .TimingQualifierCode (attribute of "Timing at location")
5147 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location.Timing .Offset
5148 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Timing at location.Dwell Time
5149 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Free text field
5150 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Responsible Applicant
5151 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Responsible RU
5152 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Responsible IM
5153 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data
5154 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Train type
5155 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Commercial Traffic Type
5156 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Traffic Type
5157 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service
5158 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Special service description code
5159 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Facility type description code
5160 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Type of service.Characteristic description code
5161 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data
5162 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Weight
5163 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Length
5164 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Weight of the set of carriages
5165 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Length of set of carriages
5166 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails
5167 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Loco Type Number
5168 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Traction Mode
5169 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Train CC System
5170 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Train Radio System
5171 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Traction Weight
5172 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.TractionDetails .Traction Length
5173 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Train Max Speed
5174 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Highest Planned Speed
5175 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Tilting function
5176 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Max Axle Weight
5177 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Route Class
5178 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Planned Brake Type
5179 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Emergency Brake Override
5180 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Planned Braking Ratio
5181 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.MinBrakedWeightPercent
5182 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Planned Train Technical Data.Brake Weight
5183 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞
5184 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞.IM Code
5185 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Exceptional Gauging Reference 0 ..∞.Exceptional Gauging Code
5186 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile
5187 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile P1
5188 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile P2
5189 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile C1
5190 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Container Profile.Profile C2
5191 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication
5192 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type
5193 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Hazard Number
5194 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.UN Material Number
5195 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.RID Classification
5196 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Packing Group
5197 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Planned Train Data.Dangerous Goods Indication .Dan Good Type.Weight of dangerous good
5198 Invalid or uknown Path Information.Journey Location .Status of Harmonization
5199 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Status of Harmonization.Interchange harmonized
5200 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Status of Harmonization.Handover harmonized
5201 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Type of Location
5202 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Train Activity Type
5203 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .AssociatedAttachedTrain ID
5204 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location ."On demand" path
5205 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Pre-arranged paths
5206 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Operational Train Number
5207 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Network specific parameters
5208 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Network specific parameters .Name
5209 Invalid Path Information.Journey Location .Network specific parameters .Value
5210 Invalid or uknown Network specific parameters
5211 Invalid Network specific parameters .Name
5212 Invalid Network specific parameters .Value
5213 Invalid Revised Request
5214 Invalid or uknown Affected section
5215 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section
5216 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident
5217 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Country Code ISO
5218 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Primary Code
5219 Invalid Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.PrimaryLocationName
5220 Invalid Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code
5221 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code .Location Subsidiary type code
5222 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code .Location Subsidiary Ident
5223 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code .Allocation Company
5224 Invalid Affected section .Start of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code .LocationSubsidiaryName
5225 Invalid Affected section .Sequence of Start of Section
5226 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section
5227 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident
5228 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Country Code ISO
5229 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Primary Code
5230 Invalid Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.PrimaryLocationName
5231 Invalid Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code
5232 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code.Location Subsidiary type code
5233 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code.Location Subsidiary Ident
5234 Invalid or uknown Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code.Allocation Company
5235 Invalid Affected section .End of section.Location Ident.Location Subsidiary code.LocationSubsidiaryName
5236 Invalid Affected section .Sequence of End of Section
5237 Invalid Affected section .Network Section
5238 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Network Section.Network specific parameters
5239 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Network Section.Network specific parameters .Name
5240 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Network Section.Network specific parameters .Value
5241 Invalid Affected section .Operational Train Number
5242 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Calendar
5243 Invalid Affected section .Calendar .BitmapDays
5244 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Calendar .Validity Period
5245 Invalid or uknown Affected section .Calendar .Validity Period.Start Date
5246 Invalid Affected section .Calendar .Validity Period.End Date
5247 Invalid or uknown Interruption Information
5248 Invalid or uknown Interruption Information.Interruption
5249 Invalid or uknown Interruption Information.Interruption .Interruption Reason
5250 Invalid Interruption Information.Interruption .Interruption DateTime
5251 Invalid Interruption Information.Interruption .Interruption Description
5252 Invalid Interruption Information.Interruption .Interruption Reference Number
5253 Invalid Free Text Field
5254 Answer not possible

6000 National Section Elements
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:minInclusive value="1"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="9999"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy