Source code for tom.plot

import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx

from tom.tom import Train, TrainRun

[docs]def get_color_for_section(section): cmap = mcolors.CSS4_COLORS return cmap.get(section.color, cmap['black'])
[docs]def annotate_train_run(ax: plt.Axes, tr: TrainRun): x = tr.first_run().departure_station() y = tr.first_run().departure_time text = y.strftime("%H:%M") ax.annotate(text, xy=(x, y))
[docs]def plot_train(t: Train, no_of_runs=-1, plot_all=True, all_stations=None): plt.rcParams["xtick.bottom"] = plt.rcParams["xtick.labelbottom"] = False plt.rcParams[""] = plt.rcParams["xtick.labeltop"] = True # Set figure size in inches plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 24 / 2.54, 20 / 2.54 ax: plt.Axes fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.grid(True, which='both') if all_stations is None: all_stations = list(nx.topological_sort(t.location_graph())) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() ax.set_title(f"Timetable {t.train_id()} v{t.version}") ax.set_ylabel("Time") ax.set_xlabel("From Origins over Handovers to Destinations") # Plot invisible line to get the complete x-axis first_date = t.calender()[0] all_ts = [first_date for s in all_stations] ax.plot(all_stations, all_ts, linestyle='None') trs = sorted(list(t.train_run_iterator()), key=TrainRun.start_date) no_of_runs = len(trs) if no_of_runs < 0 else no_of_runs tr: TrainRun for tr in trs[:no_of_runs]: for stations, tt, section in tr.time_table_event_iterator2(): c = get_color_for_section(section) marker = 'D' if section.is_construction_start else '.' ax.plot(stations, tt, marker=marker, color=c) annotate_train_run(ax, tr) # format y-axis week_locator = mdates.WeekdayLocator(byweekday=mdates.SUNDAY) week_formatter = mdates.DateFormatter("%a %d/%m/%Y") day_locator = mdates.DayLocator() day_formatter = mdates.DateFormatter("%a %d") ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(week_locator) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(week_formatter) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(day_locator) ax.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(day_formatter)
from io import BytesIO import matplotlib.image as mimg
[docs]def plot_graph(g: nx.DiGraph): # convert from networkx -> pydot g = nx.DiGraph(g) # Set defaults for pydot g.graph['graph'] = { # 'fontname': 'helvetia', 'rankdir': 'LR' } g.graph['node'] = { 'shape': 'box', 'style': 'filled', 'fontname': 'fixed', 'fillcolor': 'white' } for k in g.nodes.keys(): attr = g.nodes[k] s = attr.get('label', None) if s is not None: attr['label'] = s.replace("\n", "\l") + "\l" pydot_graph = nx.nx_pydot.to_pydot(g) # render pydot by calling dot, no file saved to disk png_str = pydot_graph.create_png() # treat the dot output string as an image file sio = BytesIO() sio.write(png_str) img = mimg.imread(sio) # plot the image plt.imshow(img) plt.axis("off")